The statistics are staggering, the costs are rising, and current approaches don’t seem to be working…it’s time to reframe how employers address the obesity epidemic.
Join us for a full day exploring the disease of obesity including treatment options, the relationship between obesity and various underappreciated comorbidities, and the case for coverage. Hear from clinical experts, employers, patients, and advocates presenting their perspectives and insights into what matters when developing programs designed to impact obesity.
Highlights include:
- Keynote from Dr. John Morton, Chief of Bariatric Surgery at Stanford, about the current state of obesity and treatment, including emerging therapies
- A panel of clinical experts discussing often underappreciated comorbidities such as pediatrics, oncology, sleep, cardiology, and musculoskeletal conditions
- Employer case studies on bariatric treatment benefit designs featuring Nancy Jester from Walmart
- Workplace obesity stigma training with the Obesity Action Coalition
Full Event Details here